Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Tailbones and Transfers

Two days ago I hit my 4 month mark of being on my mission! Crazy how time flies. This week was just all kinds of crazy with Lucas leaving and everything. Here are some fun pictures of me "killing" her and her last couple days. 

It looks like a cheesy horror movie poster.  The Icicle Killer! Yeah...

"I just put myself in here. That's how this works, right?"

Cleaning a frosty windshield for the last time on her mission!

Then yesterday ,we went to the doctor because Sister Michia had a tailbone injury about 8 months ago that still is bothering her. So we had fun there most of the night last night. And now she has to carry around a donut to sit on! 

We will find out today if the bone is broken or not!

Tomorrow we have transfers and...*drumroll*

I'm being transferred to Hyrum Spanish! I am so excited because both Lucas and Michia have been in that area before and say such great things about it! I will have Hermana Anderson as my companion (my third one in 3 1/2 months!) so that will be exciting. She is super sweet! I am definitely going to miss Temple Boulevard, but I'm excited for the next step on my mission journey! 

Here is my new address: 
90 W 300 S
Hyrum, UT 84319

You can send regular mail AND packages to this address now! Whoop!

Now onto my Spiritual Thought for the week. 
Our Zone Leaders challenged us to do something called a Purification Fast. Many of you know that a normal fast is to go without food and water for two consecutive meals in a 24-hour period and then contribute the money that would have been spent for that food to those in need. Fasting isn't just going without food or water thought. You begin your fast with a prayer, fast with a happy countenance (without complaining that you're fasting), fast for a purpose (usually an answer to a question you have for the Lord) and then close your fast with a prayer. 

But the kind of fast that they asked us to do is different. A Purification Fast is when you fast normally for a day with the question "what do I have to change in my life to become more consecrated to the Lord and more purified in order to have the privilege of the Holy Ghost as my constant companion?" And then write down every behavior that pokes at your spirit. Once you have made that list you then covenant (which is a two-way promise) with the Lord that you will fast from the things on the list for 40 days. We can't do this without the Lord's help so we must ask Him for strength and help every morning. And every evening go over your list with the Lord. If you failed on some items, figure out why. Tell Him. Ask for more strength the next day. The promise is if you do this process for 40 days, you will find that your basic desires will change. You will become closer to the Lord and you will have the Holy Ghost with you to guide you.

Although this fast is meant for missionaries, it, of course, can be applied to anyone! I invite you all to take part in a Purification Fast to find out the things you can do to come closer to the Lord. I can also send you the original document of the Purification Fast and how it started if you'd like! Just let me know by today around 5:30pm MST.

I love you all and hope you continue to grow closer to your Father in Heaven everyday. I pray for you daily and know that God loves you! I can't wait to hear from you!

Love Always,

Hermana Café 😊
90 W 300 S 
Hyrum, UT 84319

          In Loving Memory
Hermana Ericka Lucas, age 20, died in the Temple Boulevard Ward in Logan, Utah, on Monday, February 8, 2016. The cause was Trunkieitis and Return Missionary Syndrome.

Born September 3, 2014, in Ogden, Utah, she lived in Pleasant View, Hooper, Hyrum, Brigham City, and many other places before settling into her final area, Temple Boulevard. When the Utah Ogden Mission was divided and the Utah Logan Mission was created, to provide for the influx of new missionaries, Hermana Lucas was part of the 
Utah Logan Mission leadership effort to make the transition as smooth as possible. 
Lucas worked as a Sister Training Leader and helped many sisters through this exciting and sometimes stressful adventure of bringing others to Christ. Lucas was a faithful sister missionary who always turned her eyes and heart to the Lord and sought to help others find their true place in the kingdom of God.
She is survived by her 4 daughters and 3 granddaughters; Sister Gaastra, and her two daughters Sister Burt and Sister Martin; Hermana Bettey and her newborn daughter Sister Garcia; Sister Peterson, who has moved to the Tacoma, Washington Mission; and Hermana Brown; as well as many previous companions.  
"Well done, thou good and faithful servant." We love and miss you!

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